What is it?
Join users, developers, trainers, staff, and tech support for Wordfast’s 6th annual user conference. The program will feature three days of Wordfast training and workshops, other software integration sessions, keynote speeches, one-to-one meetings with experts, and more. The evenings will be spent networking and enjoying the culinary delights of Montenegro.
This year’s theme is Easier & Brighter.
The 2022 edition of Wordfast Forward will take place in Herceg-Novi, Montenegro on May 26-28, 2022. Please like our dedicated Wordfast Forward Facebook page or mark yourself as Interested/Going on the Facebook event for all the latest updates.
For more details, please see the appropriate page:

“I love Wordfast conferences! It’s great to have developers taking part and taking people’s feedback on board – and acting on it amazingly quickly! Also, the conference isn’t too large, so you get to know participants (thanks not least to the great social events!). Another point that I love is the space devoted to Mac users – very rare, in my experience of translators’ conference, and much appreciated.”
Marian Dougan - www.dnalanguage.com
WFF18, WFF17 & WFF16 Participant

“What I especially liked about the conference was the mix of Wordfast engineers and of translators present. The range of topics was good and the conference itself was organized to a "T". I learned a lot, met interesting people and had fun. I am looking forward to next year.”
And the following year…
“Thank you for for organizing such a great conference. I got a lot out of Varna personally. It was great seeing old faces and meeting new ones. I especially appreciate that the software developers were there. The presentations I attended were all excellent and those social events were just unique.”
Nelly Thomas - www.nellythomas.de
WFF18, WFF17 & WFF16 Participant

“If you are a Wordfast user then – just as every Muslim aims to visit Mecca once in their lifetime – so you too should get to a Wordfast Forward conference at least once in your career as a translator and WF user. As a two-time attendee, I can vouch that you will not only learn a lot but also meet fascinating people and have a fabulous time. Meeting the developers, seeing how other users work with their translation tools, hearing a humorous presentation on language by a great keynote speaker and having the taxman contribute to the cost of the trip – for me – were all good reasons to make the journey. It was a blast and I can thoroughly recommend it.”
Susan Vergeer-Hunt - www.naturalenglish.nl
WFF17 & WFF16 Participant

”It was great to meet the Wordfast developers in person: besides being very professional, they are extremely friendly and approachable, which makes you like Wordfast even more. Thanks to the conference I feel I'm part of an international community of fellow Wordfast users, and it feels really good when work tools also lead to such positive human interactions.”
Sandor Marazza - www.multiversum.biz
WFF17 & WFF16 Participant

“WFF Nice was very interesting, enriching and satisfying. The reduced, human-sized sessions and the diversity of participants allow real exchanges of viewpoints, tips and tricks, and meeting developers and specialists face to face is a huge opportunity. The organization of the conference itself was great.”
Jean-Christophe Bailbe - www.amnesty.org
WFF18 & WFF16 Participant

“One of the best conferences I attended in Europe. It was well worth the +20-hour flight for me. I learned something new at each session, which is a very big deal when you’ve been in this business as long as I have. The Wordfast Team really outdid themselves in putting this conference together!”
Paula Arturo - www.translatinglawyers.com
WFF16 Participant

”The Wordfast User Conference 2016 in Nice was a great event. The organization was perfect, as was the location and the contributions. There was a lot to learn and to see and plenty of time to meet people from all over the world. Two things, I appreciated most: the possibiltiy to talk directly to the developpers of the programs and multiple subjects of the talks, not only WF-related, but also amusing, entertaining and educational. I am sure I will attend the next Conference…”
Christiane Feldmann-Leben - www.chem-ued.de
WFF16 Participant

”The conference was invaluable! I learnt so much about Wordfast Pro 3 and 4 and it has boosted both my confidence and productivity when working with Wordfast. It was great to get answers straight from the source, and I was reassured to find that many other translators face the same issues as me. I highly recommend it and will be back again next year!”
Louise Normandière - www.phrases-translations.com
WFF16 Participant